CAP 2023
CAP 2030 Activity and information about how to get trained to use the tool “Cap 2030” created by Associations 21 Belgium.
CAP 2030 Activity and information about how to get trained to use the tool “Cap 2030” created by Associations 21 Belgium.
SECOND HAND SEPTEMBER CAMPAIGN The Second Hand September Campaign raises awareness about consumption habits and offers concrete alternatives. It also contributes to an economic justice for all and builds a more sustainable world by extending the life cycle of used clothes.
VOLUNTEERING STORIES, TOPIC 4: THE VALUE OF VOLUNTEERS To inform the reader on the volunteering topic, to inspire and to provide new insights the volunteer and/ or manager can use in their context.
VOLUNTEERING STORIES, TOPIC 3: THIRD PARTY VOLUNTEERING To inform the reader on the volunteering topic, to inspire and to provide new insights the volunteer and/ or manager can use in their context.
VOLUNTEERING STORIES, TOPIC 2: INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION To inform the reader on the volunteering topic, to inspire and to provide new insights the volunteer and/ or manager can use in their context.
VOLUNTEERING STORIES, TOPIC 1: RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION To inform the reader on the volunteering topic, to inspire and to provide new insights the volunteer and/ or manager can use in their context.
EVI-DEMS GUIDE TO INCLUSIVE VOLUNTEERING The Evi-Dems project created various results, including four practice-oriented guides. This guide is about inclusive volunteering and sets out the relevant principles and dynamics needed to fully understand inclusive volunteering.
OMDM PLATFORM OF TOOLS Educational tools and information materials to help raise awareness and take action on topics linked to sustainable development.
VoW TRAINING COURSE – MODULE 3: Sustainable Economy Sustainable economy and Fair Trade principles.
SUPERMARKET-FREE CHALLENGE The campaign dedicated to agroecology, carried out by Oxfam-Magasins du Monde in 2024, invites the audience to think about a fair and sustainable way of cultivating. “How about retaking control of our feeding?” is the slogan of the campaign.