Evi-Dems Guide to Disaster Volunteering
EVI-DEMS GUIDE TO DISASTER VOLUNTEERING The Evi-Dems project created various results, among which are 4 practice oriented guides. This one is about crisis and disaster volunteering and management.
EVI-DEMS GUIDE TO DISASTER VOLUNTEERING The Evi-Dems project created various results, among which are 4 practice oriented guides. This one is about crisis and disaster volunteering and management.
EVI-DEMS GUIDE TO INCLUSIVE VOLUNTEERING The Evi-Dems project created various results, including four practice-oriented guides. This guide is about inclusive volunteering and sets out the relevant principles and dynamics needed to fully understand inclusive volunteering.
EVI-DEMS GUIDE TO ETHICAL VOLUNTEERING The Evi-Dems project created various results, including four practice-oriented guides. This guide is about ethical volunteering and sets out an ethical code for volunteers and their managers to follow.
EVI-DEMS GUIDE TO VOLUNTEERING AND EUROPEAN VALUES The Evi-Dems project created various results, including four practice-oriented guides. This guide is about volunteering and European Values.