OMDM platform of tools
OMDM PLATFORM OF TOOLS Educational tools and information materials to help raise awareness and take action on topics linked to sustainable development.
OMDM PLATFORM OF TOOLS Educational tools and information materials to help raise awareness and take action on topics linked to sustainable development.
VoW TRAINING COURSE – MODULE 3: Sustainable Economy Sustainable economy and Fair Trade principles.
VoW TRAINING COURSE – MODULE 2: Organising Volunteers Organising volunteers’ activities and communicate efficiently within the organisation.
WHAT IS AGROECOLOGY? The campaign dedicated to agroecology, carried out by Oxfam-Magasins du Monde in 2024, invites the audience to think about a fair and sustainable way of cultivating. “How about retaking control of our feeding?” is the slogan of the campaign.
THE FOOD ALTERNATIVES ESCAPE GAME The objectives of this escape game are to understand the problems facing the global food system and to highlight alternatives to the current model.
SUPERMARKET-FREE CHALLENGE The campaign dedicated to agroecology, carried out by Oxfam-Magasins du Monde in 2024, invites the audience to think about a fair and sustainable way of cultivating. “How about retaking control of our feeding?” is the slogan of the campaign.
A DEFINITION OF FAIR TRADE Define what Fair Trade is with a small text and video.
THE SOCIAL HACKATHON Through facilitated discussion, participants find a shared solution to a specific issue from an initial macro problem.
FAIR TRADE PICTIONARY – Altromercato VERSION In-depth analysis of the Fair Trade Pictionary developed by Oxfam Intermón through the stories of producers (from Palestine, Philippines, Morocco etc.).
FAIR GAME Involve volunteers regarding the effects of environmental exploitation, child exploitation, green washing, and inequality.