Clean-Up Day
CLEAN-UP DAY A Clean-Up Day improves the health of a local environment and it promotes awareness and collective responsibility for a cleaner planet.
CLEAN-UP DAY A Clean-Up Day improves the health of a local environment and it promotes awareness and collective responsibility for a cleaner planet.
DEBATING SDGs: GETTING YOUR POINT ACROSS Getting to know more about the United Nations 17 SDGs and raising awareness about them, their intentions and usefulness.
SDGs: LET’S TAKE A CLOSER LOOK Deepening the knowledge and understanding about SDGs.
WHAT IS AGROECOLOGY? The campaign dedicated to agroecology, carried out by Oxfam-Magasins du Monde in 2024, invites the audience to think about a fair and sustainable way of cultivating. “How about retaking control of our feeding?” is the slogan of the campaign.
THE FOOD ALTERNATIVES ESCAPE GAME The objectives of this escape game are to understand the problems facing the global food system and to highlight alternatives to the current model.
CLIMATE FRESK The Climate Fresk is a card game that links the causes and consequences of climate change. The 42 cards are based on IPCC reports.
SDG ESCAPE ROOM You will understand how interconnected the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are.
EVI-DEMS: VOLUNTEER MANAGER TRAINING Volunteer manager training, to equip them with the skills they need to tackle the issues of today and tomorrow.
THE SOCIAL HACKATHON Through facilitated discussion, participants find a shared solution to a specific issue from an initial macro problem.
HOW MANY PLANETS DO YOU NEED? The activity is conceived as a training opportunity for people wishing to volunteer in fair trade organisations to reflect and become aware of the sustainability of their lifestyle and personal consumption choices.